June 28, 2015
San Francisco, CA
All reports, memorials, and tributes are available on ALA Connect here: http://connect.ala.org/council
ALA Awards Committee - A new award has been created, Ernest A. DiMattia Jr. Award for innovation and Service to the Community and Profession. It will be given to one person annually. The new award passed.
All reports, memorials, and tributes are available on ALA Connect here: http://connect.ala.org/council
ALA Awards Committee - A new award has been created, Ernest A. DiMattia Jr. Award for innovation and Service to the Community and Profession. It will be given to one person annually. The new award passed.
Adoption of the ALA Strategic Directions was presented by Barbara K. Stripling. The plan will guide ALA for the next 3-5 years. The plan is to remain flexible. The document has been created with ALA Council and ALA Member input. The strategic plan passed.
Constitution and Bylaws Committee - An amendment to Article X. The change was made to clarify how ALA can affiliate with another organization. This change to the bylaws will go on a ballot for the ALA membership to approve the change in Spring 2016. The change was referred back to the committee to bring back to Council. The amendment was referred.
Keith Michael Fiels - Presented a review of the actions of the Executive Board since the 2015 Midwinter meeting. He also highlighted the implementations of actions from 2015 Midwinter. Roberts Rules of Order change was approved by the membership and that changes is being implemented.
Resolution on the Importance of Sustainable Libraries - a resolution that encourages libraries and library organizations to think about operating with a lens to sustainability. The resolution passed.
Resolution Denouncing the Systemic Racism that Motivated the South Carolina Shootings - Denouncing the shooting in Charleston, South Carolina on June 17 and working to understand racism in American culture and it s potential for violence. There was lengthy discussion about addressing the specific event in South Carolina. There is a belief that systemic racism should be generally addressed, not specifically addressed in the resolution. The resolution was amended and passed.
Resolution on Libraries and Schools Affected by the Conflict in Gaza and Israel in 2014 - The resolution did not pass.
Resolution Against Mass Surveillance of the American People - There are aspects of the USA Freedom Act that allow mass surveillance of Americans. The resolution was referred to Committee On Legislation/Intellectual Freedom Committee for review and representation. These committees are either meeting at this moment or will meet later in the next 2 days.
Keith Michael Fiels reported 22363 attendes were registered at the end of the day yesterday. This is higher than the conferences in Chicago and Las Vegas in the last 2 years.
Keith Michael Fiels reported 22363 attendes were registered at the end of the day yesterday. This is higher than the conferences in Chicago and Las Vegas in the last 2 years.
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