Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Council III

Council III
Tuesday July 1, 2014
7:45am Las Vegas, NV

Memorials and Tributes were given.

ALA Treasurer's Report - the budget presentation was provided.  Publishing and meetings/conferences are the biggest revenue sources.  Revenue from these places supports other ALA services.  FY2015 estimated revenue is $64,078,221.  This is the budgetary ceiling the Council approved.

Motion PASSED.

Report of the Tellers

  • Committee on Committees - Elected Counselors are: Ann Credson, Karen Dowing , Jim Kuehne, Susan Gregory.
  • Planning and Budget - Elected Counselors are:  Ismail Abdullahi, Matt Ciszek, Loida Garcia-Febo.  Stephanie Braunstein and Regina Greer Cooper.
Committee on Legislation

A new subcommittee has been created called Federal Legislature Advocacy Group.  They are looking for people who have a strong relationship with their legislators to serve on this subcommittee.

Resolved, that the American Library Association (ALA), on behalf of its members:
1.   supports and encourages a national preservation plan for Federal Depository Library Program materials;

2.   encourages policies that promote digitization with a reasonable number of dispersed preserved copies of print FDLP materials;

3.   supports technologies that guarantee long-term, robust, verifiable, complete, accurate, authentic, preservable, and usable digital formats;
4.   works with the Government Printing Office (GPO) and the FDL community on developing procedures to authenticate and ingest digital and digitized content intoFDsys from federal depository libraries and federal agencies; and
5.   supports the creation of a no-fee, searchable, online inventory of digital and digitized government materials with downloadable metadata.

Motion PASSED.

Resolved, that the American Library Association (ALA)

1. affirms its support for network neutrality and open Internet policies that enable access in the library, through remote access to library resources, or by other means;

2. calls on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to codify network neutrality principles following its  Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), Docket Number 14-28;  

3. encourages library supporters to become engaged in the FCC’s current Notice of a Proposed Rulemaking on network neutrality; and

4. urges library supporters to advocate for the development of enforceable policies, whether in legislative proposals or regulatory proceedings, that ensure that the Internet remains an open platform for activities such as information exchange, intellectual discourse, civic engagement, creativity, innovation, and learning.

Discussion: Should legislation be mentioned?

Motion PASSED.

Intellectual Freedom Committee

There are 14 changes to the interpretations of the Library Bill of Rights.

Discussion:  There is a statement about working with the rating system, it seems out-dated.  Discrimination - other groups need to be mentioned in future iterations of the interpretations.  Cataloging groups in RDA are recording rating systems.  Just because a field is there doesn't mean a library has to use it. We need to provide as much information as possible for parents.  Catalogers are taught to use information from the item in hand, and this is information.  Copy cataloging almost always includes this information.  Copy catalogers may be put in a position to delete this information.

A motion was made to refer the labeling and rating system back to committee and those interested bodies.

If this is not approved then the old version will be published in the Intellectual Freedom Handbook.  The IFC looked at this as best practices.  A future interpretation will address user generated comment - this area will have future work for all of these reasons.  There has been ample opportunity for comment prior to this meeting, there has been no comment until this meeting.  It is not true that input was not provided - input was provided.

The motion to refer the labeling system back to the committee FAILED.

IFC said the concern has been heard and will be addressed.

Motion to approve interpretations PASSED.

Ethics Committee - Brought forward an interpretation of Copyright.

Copyright: An Interpretation of the Code of Ethics
The Committee on Professional Ethics moves to adopt “Copyright: An Interpretation of the Code of Ethics, CD #32.2

Motion PASSED.

International Relations Committee - report and action item.

Resolved that the Council of the American Library Association directs that ALA become a signatore to the Lyon Declaration on Access to Information and Development.  - This is an advocacy document calling on United Nations to ensure everyone has access to information.  This will be presented in France.  The resolution is in keeping with the Library Bill of Rights.

Discussion: Comments in support.

Motion PASSED.

Keith Michael Fiels - Final registration is 18,626.

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