Philadelphia, PA
Chapter Relations Committee II
Doug Evans - Ohio Library Council Executive Director Report
Ohio went to Congress to see what they were interested in doing in regard to library access to eBooks. Libraries have hired a lobbyist that is funded by several organizations including the metropolitan libraries in Ohio. They are planning a public hearing this spring. Looking at creating legislation that would create tax incentives for publishers that provide digital content to public libraries. Starting a public relations campaign. Asking for library chapters around the US to have state resolutions similar to the Ohio resolution that calls for affordable access to digital content.
James G Neal - Executive Report Liaison Report
ALA is going to have these priority areas in the long range planning process:
- Advocacy
- Policy
- Professional Leadership
Freedom to Read Foundation Report
Membership is up from last year, but not as high as the numbers were in 2013.
Legislation Assembly Report
Working on resolutions including:
Resolution to support strengthen whistleblowers
Resolution to keep government websites up even if the government shuts down
RUSA Report
Beginning an ambassador program. Contact RUSA if this is of interest.
Online courses and webinars are being offered to anyone interested (not just RUSA or ALA members)
Developing best practices for financial literacy. Guidelines will be available by the end of the year.
LITA Report
Goal of collaborating funds and people to improve technology
LITA has a lot of free resources on the website
ALA In-Coming President Program - Courtney Young initiative
-Career development is one of the items she is interested in addressing. Librarian Career Facilitator Development Program
-ALA will work with chapters to fund up to 25 librarians to become career development certified librarians. The people going through this training will be ambassadors to the chapters and regions Program will be a 2-day workshop at next Midwinter and will continue through annual conference 2015.
-Career Development Facilitators, don't have masters degrees in counselng, but have experience working in libraries and assisting people looking for positions. Assist in the field and assist in the placement center at ALA.
-After the Midwinter conference is over participants will be in a 12 week course in Moodle to learn about career planning, ethics, etc. 12 competencies students will learn.
-Goal is for people to have a career designation.
-Will be to help colleagues locate jobs as well.
-Asking chapters to support the program and recommend participants.
-The selection process will happen after July 1. Training will happen the Thursday-Friday before Midwinter. It will be hosted at the ALA Headquarters in Chicago. The desire is to have this culminate at Annual Conference in San Francisco.
-The recommendation is that the Chapters select the person from their area to send forward.
-ALA is paying $950 per person for the training and 1 year membership in career counseling professional organization - and that is all - travel is not included. Most of the training is virtual.
-Stay tuned for more information.
Washington Library Association
-Interested in knowing what tangiable membership incentives other associations provide for their members.
-Reduced prices for registration at conferences
-Asked to put the question on the list
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