Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Council III

January 12, 2016
Boston, MA

The following people were recognized with memorials:

Shereen Marx
Luang-Hwei (Janet) Lee-Smeltzer
Richard C. Fudge
Bully Charles Beal
Allene Farmer Hayes
Linda Waddle

The following person was recognized with a tribute:
Barbara Blosueren

Election Results to Executive Board:

Karen E. Downing
Andrew K. Pace
John D. DeSantis

Intellectual Freedom Committee Report- There will be a new publication starting soon.  They are looking for contributors, and if you are interested you should contact the Office of Intellectual Freedom.

User generated content in library discovery system - new language for the Library Bill  of Rights.  PASSED.

Resolution for restoring public privacy and against mass surveillance.  PASSED.

Committee on Legislation - Everyone was thanked for their work on the ESSA Act.  Attend National Library Legislation Day on May 2-3.  Be on the look out for legislative action related to funding for LSTA.

Resolution honoring James H. Billing ton Librarian of Congress emeritus.

New Business

Resolution Concerning Accessibility of ALA Conferences and Meetings for People with Disabilities.  The resolution is a call to form a task force to look at accessibility issues and to draft guidelines to ensure ALA's compliance with ADA and WCAG.  PASSED.

Resolution on replacing the Library of Congress Subject Heading "Illegal Aliens" with "Undocumented Immigrants." - Some background on the issue. Dartmouth submitted a revision request on this language to the Library of Congress and the revision was denied.  Many counselors spoke in favor of the resolution and pointed out that "Illegal Aliens" will still be a "see also" in library catalogs.   PASSED.

Resolution Supporting the 2015 Advocacy Implementation Plan. - Counselors spoke about the power of speaking with one voice.  The advocacy plan should be shared with our states and our libraries to help implement the advocacy plan.  State chapters can make this message even more successful.  The allows state associations to be in sync with ALA.  PASSED.

 10805 attendees at the conference which is a little over the number for last year in Chicago.

Meeting adjourned at 10:17am

Monday, January 11, 2016

ALA Chapter Councilor Forum

January 11, 2016
Boston, MA

Representative from FLAG - FLAG is looking for people across the country who are close enough to congress people to pick up the phone, have their ear, and have them vote on library legislation.  The committee is identifying people, now.  Please contact FLAG if you are someone with close ties or know someone who has close ties.

The group discussed the following topics;

There was a discussion about the role of library associations when ALA occurs in their state.  It is recommended that the state association has a booth.  Host a local event.  Helping with a volunteer project.

The value of ALA to state members.  The combine state/ALA membership is a good way to introduce students to ALA.  The chapter counselor sets up meet-ups for library students who are in virtual programs.  Don Wood sends chapter counselors the names of new student members in their states.  The ALA Washington office is a selling point - a political advocacy arm is attractive to some new members.  The Intellectual Freedom Office has also been a good outreach tool and reason to join ALA.  Doing "outreach" for ALA in conference sessions rather than at a booth or table in an exhibit hall.

Communicating with members - how do Chapter Counselors communicate with state members.  An ALA column in the state association newsletter.   For librarians who don't have an MLS - making ALA relevant to them even if they aren't members - how they are supported nationally.  ALA does offer a new price for joining ALA and registering for conference.  The chapter Counselors need to filter the information that we get to the chapter members.  We can't and shouldn't send everything.  

Chapter Relations Committee - they put out a survey about communication about 40 associations have responded.  The Chapter Relations Committee does not have work between the conferences.  Chapter Counselors need to understand that communicating ALA issues is part of the Chapter Counselor job.  The other big issue discussed during the meeting was that Corey Booker was a speaker at ALA, yet the NJ Library Association did not agree with the description of Senator Booker in the ALA program.  They say he is not a library advocate as the ALA publicity described.   There is obviously a problem about communicating between state associations and ALA.  How do we communicate this information to ALA?  How much interest does ALA really have in state or local issues?   It was suggested that there be a resolution at annual about communicating with Chapters.

There was a discussion about hiring an assistant and a lobbyist.  Several states are hiring companies to do their executive director position.   Several associations are all volunteer organizations.  Delaware recently allowed a State Library employee to work 25% of the time to work as the association's executive director.  The person manages a lobbying day and provides conference support.  Another state has a state library member who follows legislative issues and meets with the he volunteer committee that works on lobbying efforts.

ALA Council II

January 11, 2016
Boston, MA

The meeting was called to order at 10am

Policy Monitoring Committee Report - Renumbering to insert sections on labeling systems and rating systems.   The numbering changes PASSED.

Committee on Organization - Request that the Office of Literacy and Outreach Services (OLOS) Advisory Committee - that the name be changed to reflect the current name.  PASSED.  The Committee on Accreditation composition change - that a Dean/Director position be appointed to the committee.  PASSED.

International Relations Committee - Leslie Burger highlighted items from the report including ALA will be taking a group of people to Cuba in February.  Working on fleshing out the ALA international portion of the strategic plan.

Constitution and Bylaws Committee - Application from the Joint Council of Librarians of Color for affiliate status with ALA.  There was a motion to approve the application.  PASSED.

Freedom to Read Foundation Report - Julius Jefferson Jr. explained that it is a legal defense fund to defend free speech and personal privacy.  The report includes information on cases the FTRF is currently following.  The board just signed on to a letter endorsing encryption.  Education continues to be an important part of the Foundation's work.  5 grants were given to libraries for banned books week.  They are helping to fund a library class at the University of Illinois.  They are taking nominations for the FRTR Foundation board through February.

FY2017 Programmatic Priorities - These are the priorities used to develop the FY 2017 budget.  They are using the strategic framework as a guide for the priorities. The goals are Advocacy, Information Policy and Professional Leadership and Development.  Diversity, equitable access, education and life long learning, intellectual freedom, advocacy, organizational excellence, and transforming libraries. A motion was made to allow these items to be the planning priorities for the budget.  PASSED.

Meeting adjourned at 10:40.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

ALA-APA Council Session

January 10, 2016
Boson, MA

The meeting was called to order at 9:30am

The agenda was set and introductions were made.

ALA-APA executive Director Report - Keith Michael Fiels - Highlights include
-The Certificated Library Directors program has over 270 people enrolled and 82 graduates.
-LSSC (Library Support Staff Certification) has 495 people enrolled and 135 graduates.
-National Library Workers Day is April 12 the same day as national Equal Pay Day.  With ALA being a female dominated organization, it is good that these events happen on the same day in 2016.  Celebrate all library workers on April 12.  Highlight any activities and send stories to ALA.
-Follow APA on Twitter and Facebook.

ALA-APA Treasurer's Report - Mario Gonzalez
-The organization is financially healthy with a net revenue of nearly $52,000 in 2015.
-The first quarter of 2016 is looking good with a current net revenue of over $11,000.

The meeting adjourned at 9:47

ALA Council I

January 10, 2016
Boston, MA

The meeting was called to order at 8:30am.

Noted visitors were introduced.

The Nominations for the Council for Executive Board were introduced.  No additional nominations were made from the floor.  Voting will take place tomorrow.  Nominees are:

Vicki Morris Emery
Media Coordinator
Lake Braddock Secondary School Burke, VA

Andrew K. Pace
Executive Director Management Services, OCLC Dublin, OH

John C. DeSantis
Cataloging & Metadata Services Librarian Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH
Karen E. Downing
Foundation and Grants Librarian University of Michigan
Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library Ann Arbor, MI

Kimberly Ann Patton
Youth Services Supervisor Kansas City, KS, Public Library

Ann Crewdson Children’s Librarian Issaquah (WA) Library 

Review of Executive Board Actions by Keith Michael Fiels.  The University of Missouri was reached item as a degree-granting institution under ALA's provisions.

Keith Michael Fiels spoke about reframing and coming to a common agreement about what the organization means by "sustainability."  He updated the Council on resolutions that will be coming forward during Midwinter and at Annual.

New Business

Resolution Against Islamophobia - recognizing Muslims' contributions to libraries and statements deploring hate speech directed at Muslims.  The discussion from the floor was in favor of the resolution and included statements about what more we could do within our organizations and communities.  The resolution PASSED.


Midwinter numbers:  6941 registered. 3879 exhibitors.  A total of 10820 total attendees.   

Meeting adjourned at 9:12am

Saturday, January 9, 2016

ALA Council/Executive Board/Membership Information Session

January 9, 2016
Called to order at 3pm


-Presidents's Report
-President Elect Report
-ALA Executive Director Report, Keith Michael Fiels
-Budget Analysis and Review - ALA is on course for budget expenditures and income.
-ALA Treasurer's Report
-ALA Endowment Trustee Report
-ALA Nominating Committee - Larry described the difficulty the committee had this year finding two candidates for president and treasurer.  
The presidential candidate selected by the committee is: Christine Lind Hage
The treasurer candidate selected by the committee is: Susan H. Hildreth

Other candidates petitioned.  
Other presidential candidates are:  Lisa J. Hinchliffe and James G. Neal.