February 3, 2015
Chicago, IL
Resolution Urging Library Directors to Encourage and Support United for Libraries Membership for Each of their Trustees - Resolved that the ALA on behalf of its members, urges all library directors to encourage and suport United for Libraries membership for each of their Trustees.
Election results for Executive Board:
Loida Garcia-Febo
Jullius Jefferson Jr.
Mark Marlin
International Relations Committee Report - IFLA activities. SIBF-ALA Conference. The first one was held in Sharjah United Arab Emirates. IRC/IRRT is creating a new international mentoring program. Resolution on attacks on Charlie Hebdo is being supported by IRC. The IRC is not supporting the forthcoming resolution on libraries in Gaza. A motion was made for ALA to support UNESCO in its anniversary celebration. The motion passed.
Intellectual Freedom Committee - New IF Manual will be published this spring and will be available in San Francisco. Choose Privacy Week will be May 1-7. OIF is receiving up to two new incidents per day - reports to challenges. Resolution against the attacks on Charlie Hebdo. Resolution passed.
Committee on Legislation - FLAG is a new committee that is a group of advocates across the country who can be called to action to speak to elected officials. They are looking for members of people who are already in contact and have personal relationships with legislators so that information can be give to legislators quickly when issues arrive through these people. They aren't looking for "typical library directors" but people who are related to legislators or have working relationships with legislators. May 4-5 is Legislation Day. Resolution on Preserving Public Access to Scientific and Technical Reports Available Through the National Technical Information Service. Resolution passed.
Task Force on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion - Formed in response to ALA's decision to have ALA Annual in Orlando. The report defines equity, diversity, and inclusion. The task force is continuing its work with conversations and surveys.
Resolution on Destruction of Libraries and Schools in Gaza in 2014 - There was a lengthy discussion of the political aspects and specifics of naming Gaza in the resolution. The "where as" clauses were discussed as tilting the resolution in a political aspect. The resolution failed.
Keith Michael Fiels: Final attendance 10,637. Lower than the last 2 mid-winter meetings.